Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I have been Tagged!

The rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself: some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
4. Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.

7 Random Facts

1. I don't eat seafood. None. Hate it. Now before you lecture me I was in Boston and Maine for a family reunion and tried it all. Don't like it on the East Coast, won't like it anywhere.

2. I am a little shy walking into a room full of strangers. The old skinny me never cared what I looked like or who I knew. Now I am a little shy until I talk to a few people.

3. I come from a Police Family. Brother, Uncle, Aunt, Father. Yep, all stupid like me and took this thankless job that they don't pay me enough to do.

4. I don't have a middle name. Don't know why. LOL. Just don't.

5. My feet changed when I was pregnant. My shoe collection. Gone. Nothing fits.

6. I am a jewelry whore. Not now, but I worked for a Jewelry CO before I got on the job, I have more than anyone should ever own in their lifetime.

7. I am pretty lonely. While I have lots of friends and family. No one is really close geographically. The ones that are, are at different stages in their lives. Not married, no kids, kids way younger than me. Etc. It's pretty hard to find someone to hang out with since all my childhood and school friends are at the opposite end of the city at least 30 miles. In Chicago travel time that could be 40 minutes or 2 hours. Depends on the day and time. LOL My hubby works the opposite shift and I am alone all day in a squad car and then I am alone every night at home. Besides the kids I mean. How does one advertise for new friends at 39 and not come off as a total LOSER. LOL

Who I am tagging.

I don't know how to link them. I am a dork.

Martini - she is a newlywed and might not have the time to respond. WINK WINK

Alaine - because she is funny as heck and will play!

Steph - because it's her birthday

Radioactivegirl because she is my blog twin

Princess Pink Lady because she ROCKS!!!!

Chelle because I love her!

and Boobless Brigade Master because she inspires me. She also blessed me with one of the most wonderful acts of kindess years ago and I will never ever forget!

Everyday is Halloween!

LOL. Ministry? Anyone remember them? I mean besides me.

Happy Halloween to everyone. I ran around today from 8-4, McKenna's Halloween party at school, Jack's field trip to the Nursing Home to visit. I will keep today's post current and then post a few more later this week.

Someone told me to update my blog already. (Hi Tuesday!) When I looked I couldn't believe it's been that long. Shame on me. :)

The kids have been keeping me busy. Both were in soccer which is over. Hooray! McKenna is in Irish Dance, and they are both starting Tae Kwan Do this week. I have no idea when swimming starts but that is pretty soon too. Whew. I am exhausted thinking about all of that. On top of working, activities, dinner and baths, I run from sun up to sun down every single day except the weekend and sadly when they go to bed, so do I. But it's exciting. I am tired, but not complaining. Still happy to be alive every single day running around like a maniac. Glad that I am not sick. Other than tired. I feel pretty good. Happy in fact. Did I say that?
People who know me personally, wouldn't classify me as happy. I don't think. Funny. Definately. :)

So I am going to add some photos. The kids are great. Doing really well in school. Work.....that still blows. 16 months til my boss is forced to retire. Yes, I am counting the days!!!!!

I promise I will post more. Alot has been happening in 2 whole months!

Happy Birthday Steph!!!! Love you!