So we have a weekly ritual. Irish Dance on Monday. McDonalds on the way home. We have done this every week for over a year now with the exception of summer. (no dance) So we see the same girl at the pay window every week. I should know her name but I don't. Since the toys have been Madagascar 2 for a few weeks now, we are trying not to get the same toys in our Mighty Kids Meals. We nicely ask, what are our toy choices, and she digs around and tells us. Last week she went out of her way to look for Gloria and she gave us a few extra toys, only charging us for one extra. (Honestly I didn't know she was charging us at all. I normally don't buy extra toys no matter how cute they are.) So for an extra $1.10 we got 5 toys. The guy giving us our food forgot that she was giving our toys to us already so he didn't take the toys out of the boxes. We were already blocks away when we realized which is why I didn't go back and return them. So here is where the conversation got funny. My kids have talked to me about sex before. Remember they are 5 and 7. The only reason it came up before was because they heard me on the phone trying to co-ordinate with my girlfriends about going to the movie Sex and the City. At the end of that conversation they thought that kissing was sex.
So Monday's converstation went like this.
Jack - So we got 5 toys. How would you say that in Tuplets?
Me - What do you mean Tuplets?
Jack - well two are twins, three are triplets, what is it when you have 5.
Me - I think it's quintuplets.
Jack - wow that's cool
Me - mumble mumble from the same egg
Jack - what? more than one baby come from the same egg?
Me- yes, sometimes a fertilized egg splits and you have twins.
Jack - you mean an egg with a big old yolk?
Me - Sort of. :snicker:
Jack- so how does the egg get fertilized?
Me - thinking OH NO I AM NOT HAVING THIS CONVERSATION - when a man and a woman love each other, they do something that I am not discussing at this time and the egg gets fertilized.
Jack - so you mean the egg gets fertilized and then stays in your belly until you get married and then the baby starts to grow.
Me - LOL
Jack - I mean you can't have a baby until you are married?
Me - well not everyone does it in that order.
McKenna - I know what sex is. It's kissing.
Me - if everyone got pregnant from kissing the streets would be filled with babies. right?
McKenna - Oh yeah. You're right.
Jack - you fertilize the egg with food right? Like chicken nuggets?
Me - that discussion is for when you are older.
Jack - cool we got quintuplet toys Mom.
Me - (thinking thank God this conversation ended)
Ok so now that I typed it out, it doesn't LOOK funny. But I promise you I was snickering all the way home. I love when stuff comes up and I don't expect it. I can't have my pre-planned answer ready. I just have to improvise. It's funny and interesting. I love the way my kids are always thinking about things, and asking questions. They really are smart. Although I can imagine that schoolyard conversation where my son insists that you make a baby by sticking nuggets in the egg. LOL. Imagine that picture. Hope he doesn't get beat up.